
Actor Catalog(立ち絵追加)

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: Brother Sharp Project Source: Project URL Versions 0.7.9+ (Verified 0.7.5) Last Updated 3 years ago

This is a module that adds anime-style portraits for use in your games. The images included are distributed on Booth. You can find the terms of usage in the booth page below, but you can find a translated version here as well.

たつみが描いた立ち絵をFVTTで使用しやすいように辞典modにしたものです。 収録ACTORは基本的にBoothで配布しているものになります。権利についても下記ページに準じます。


When using these images, you may do so at the following terms:

When using these images, you may NOT do the following:

You can find the images inside modules/actorcatalog/actorimage.

If you are using dnd5e you can find a compendium containing character sheets preset with these images and emotes.

If you are using any other system please set them manually. If you would like to create a set of actors for other systems you are welcome to donate them to this module.

Images inside this module are all 400x400.



Note: Only English text has been added from the repository until package approval. Japanese text will be added here once approved.

I, Brother Sharp, am submitting this package on behalf of tatsumi, the author of the images included in the module. They have been added as a collaborator in the repository as a sign of having received their permission to submit this.




立ち絵はmodules/actorcatalog/actorimageの中にあります。 D&D5版用の空キャラシ辞典も含まれていて、表情差分込で設定されています。それ以外のシステムをご利用の方は手動での設定をお願いします。






Available Versions

  1. Version 1.0

    3 years ago
    Foundry Version 0.7.9+ (Verified 0.7.5) Manifest URL