
[Animancer] The Corwyn Catacombs (5E)

An Add-on Module by Animancer

Content Provider: Animancer Author: MagnificentJake Purchase Here Versions 11+ (Verified 11.313) Last Updated 1 year, 3 months ago

Delve into ancient ruins of civilizations past in this one-session adventure for 4th level heroes of the world's greatest roleplaying game!

The Corwyn Catacombs is a one-session adventure  for a party of 4th level characters that sees characters delve into ancient ruins of a precursor civilization to rescue citizens of Corwyn and keep the village safe from harm! Will the heroes succeed in vanquishing the evils that lurk within? Or will they meet a grisly end, to rise again as servants of the undying Chiran Empire?

Now fully revised and featuring:

Praise for The Corwyn Catacombs

"Experts ought to buy it, just to rip off the format" -- High Level Games


"This is a fantastic one shot with intrigue, adventure and a bloody brilliant blend of fantasy and eldritch sci-fi horror in the dark depths of the Corwyn Catacombs. Perfect for a quick, fun game, but the ideas and elements are full of seeds and insidious roots that make this perfect as a campaign starter." -- Sebrina Calkins


"Great little oneshot: an adventure that adds a new twist on some classic tropes, with equal opportunities for combat, exploration, and roleplay. Big bonus points for a product that has beautiful layout, design and interior art - it really presents itself professionally. Add in some cool new monsters, a neat magic item, and a village with well-crafted NPCs, and you've got a product that you can bring directly to the table with limited DM prep." -- Tavern Tales


"Layout deserves special mention: The NPC-depiction, the bullet pointed rooms - they really help render the module easy to use, and look professional and well-crafted - kudos! " -- Endzeitgeist

The Corwyn Catacombs is set in the continent of Tyllia, but is neutral and self-contained enough that Game Masters can use the adventure in any campaign setting they'd like with minimal effort. A selection of the Tyllian pantheon, as well as background information on the setting and different species' place in it, is provided, such that characters can be made to fit easily into the world as presented.

Foundry Features:



  1. Head over to the Animancer webstore to purchase a license key.
  2. Check your order confirmation email for your key.
  3. Go to your user profile on the Foundry VTT website, and click the Premium Content button.
  4. Copy your license key into the "Content Key:" field, and press the Activate Content button.
  5. Your content should now be activated and linked to your user account. Open up the Foundry VTT software, and use the Module installation tools in the Setup and Configuration menu to install it!



Animancer      5E

Supported Game Systems

  1. DnD5e

    Latest Version: Version 3.0.1 Last Updated 1 year, 1 month ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 2.1.0-3.0.1

    1 year, 3 months ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11.313) Manifest URL Read Notes
  2. Version 2.1.0-2.0.0

    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 10.288) Manifest URL
  3. Version 2.1.0-1.0.1

    Foundry Version 0.8.6+ (Verified 9) Manifest URL
  4. Version 2.1.0-1.0.0

    Foundry Version 0.8.6+ (Verified 9) Manifest URL