Content Provider: Goodman Games
Author: Tim White
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Versions 10 - 11 (Verified 11)
Last Updated 1 year, 7 months ago
Villagers have gone missing! A mix of clues, superstitions, and omens point to the brooding citadel of the emerald sorcerer. This silent monolith has sat undisturbed atop a windy ridge for centuries. Legends say that a green-skinned sorcerer dwells there, where he conducts strange experiments and builds enigmatic machinery. His green-skinned constructs patrol the grounds of his citadel, and he is seen only rarely when he ventures out on nefarious errands that end in horrid screams and strange lights coming from his citadel. Now it is time to penetrate his inner sanctum…
An Level 2 adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game, The Emerald Enchanter is a great way to challenge more experienced characters.
It includes all the book text and art from the module, as well as custom made maps and tokens made from module art.
"The Emerald Enchanter Strikes Back", a bonus module added in later printings, is not included.