
Deepdark Designs Slayer Class

An Add-on Module by DeepDark Designs

Content Provider: DeepDark Designs Author: DeepDark Designs Purchase Here Versions 10+ (Verified 11) Last Updated 1 year, 8 months ago

Introducing the Slayer

The slayer is an original level 1-20 class for the 5th Edition of the world's oldest roleplaying game that's fast, furious, and, above all else, fierce.

Click here to purchase the Slayer on DTRPG

   Where a fighter might be considered a highly disciplined individual who spends hours each day practicing and rehearsing for combat, and a barbarian a bestial or savage thug, slayers might best be considered the latter given all of the training and advantages of the former. That said, a slayer's unique abilities and talents set them apart from either.

   As well as the slayer class itself, this package includes a whopping eight sub-classes for the slayer, called Slayer Styles. Purchase the module to discover the incredible power of the ardent, errant, foehammer, hexblade, hurricane, punisher, scourge, and wraith for yourself.

What's Provided

By purchasing the slayer, you'll receive a PDF copy of the class that you can use digitally or print for referencing at the table. Additionally, you'll receive a premium content module for use here on Foundry VTT. The PDF and module both provide the class itself and a wealth of useful additional materials. Let's take a look at what's included:

   In total the module includes; six actors, sixty-eight items, thirty-two journal entries, and nineteen rollable tables; with a combined total of one-hundred-and-twenty-four results. That's a lot of bang for your buck!

Purchasing the Module

Purchasing the slayer is easy, simply follow these steps:

  1. Purchasing the Module. First, you will need to purchase Outclassed: Slayer. This purchase includes both your Foundry VTT premium content module and your non-Foundry files.
  2. Finding Your Content Key. You will receive a license key to activate your Foundry VTT content in your purchase note when you complete your order for Outclassed: Slayer. This license key is also visible on the Downloads page that you will be taken to on DriveThruRPG immediately after your purchase is processed. If you have any issues finding your key, please get in touch with us at and we'll happily introduce you to it and see if you two can't become fast friends.
  3. Redeeming Your Key. Log into  and enter the license key you received in your purchase note into the Premium Content interface.
  4. Activating Your Content. Finally, install your shiny new module via the Module Browser in the Foundry VTT application. Then, simply activate the content in any Game Worlds you wish to by using the Manage Modules tools under Game Settings. The module's initializer will help you setup and import the content from there.
  5. DeepDark Demiplane Dependency. In order to work properly, the slayer requires another free module from DeepDark Designs, the DeepDark Demiplane. When installing or activating the slayer, you'll be prompted to also install and activate the demiplane. You'll be directed on how to do that, so it shouldn't take more than a few moments. The demiplane helps us keep our modules small and efficient.

Keep in the Loop

Our team of DeepDark Designers are always cooking up new and exciting ways to enhance your game and we're planning to bring a lot more of our content—current and future—to Foundry VTT. It's a great idea to follow us in order to keep up to date on the latest news and announcements. You can do so at each of the following places:

You can also reach me directly via email at or on Discord at AenyMehrunes#6198.


Supported Game Systems

  1. DnD5e

    Latest Version: Version 3.0.1 Last Updated 1 year, 1 month ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 2.0.0

    1 year, 8 months ago
    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL