Author: Calego
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Versions 10+ (Verified 10)
Last Updated 2 years, 2 months ago
This module allows active effects to be dragged and dropped to and from Item Sheets.
With it enabled, creating duplicate effects between different items (e.g. "Poisoned" for various weapons or spells which inflict that condition) is as simple as dragging and dropping from one to the next.
It also allows the application of an Item's Effects onto actors from the item sheet directly.
Tested with dnd5e, might work on other systems as well though.
Technical Details
The module uses the renderItemSheet hook to bind a DragDrop instance with callbacks that expect/conform to the data model used by ActorSheet's ActiveEffect drag and drop handlers (ActorSheet._onDropActiveEffect). This consists roughly of a dataTransfer object that looks like this: