
Force Client Controls

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: kimitsu Project Source Versions 10+ (Verified 11) Last Updated 1 year, 1 month ago

Force Client Controls

Allows to force chosen control bindings for all clients to the defaults provided by the GM.


This module adds lock icons next to the control bindings in the controls cofiguration app. Clicking or Alt-clicking these icons changes the behavior of the bindings:

This allows the GM to either force chosen keybindings to ensure they will not be altered, or "soft-force" other keybindings that the GM finds helpful to be set to new defaults, but still let the players alter them if they choose to. The GM may also set the defaults for clients, but then adjust their own bindings privately by Alt-clicking the lock icons and escaping the force.

Current Limitations


MIT License (c) 2022 kimitsu


Available Versions

  1. Version 1.1.0

    1 year, 1 month ago
    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL Read Notes