The essential quest log module for players and game masters.
[Supported Systems]: all
[Supported Languages]: Chinese (simplified / traditional), English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish
- Quest Log windows that lists all quests divided into In Progress, Completed and Failed tabs
- Quest creator with WYSIWYG editors for description and GM notes
- Quest Giver can be an Actor, Item, or Journal Note
- Quest Splash Art
- Objectives
- Draggable Item rewards
- Fully editable Quest Details window
- Personal Quests
- Quest Branching in the form of Sub Quests
- Custom / user defined Rewards
- Hiding Tasks and Rewards
- and more...
Video Tutorials
Watch the [relaunch / 0.7.3 sizzle reel (Kobold DM)] video.
Or check out the deep dive tutorial videos covering many features available that will make you a power user:
Recent Updates
The 0.7.12 update to FQL:
- Foundry v11 support.
- Removed support for v9 / v10 to prevent any compatibility warnings.
- Fixed minor TinyMCE configuration for correct font support.
- Updated Spanish translation.
The 0.7.11 update to FQL refines aspects of the last release:
- Corrects a new compatibility warning that came up w/ the 10.285 Foundry release.
- Provides workarounds for various misbehaving game systems.
- Refines the "show quest log to players" feature showing the players the specific quest status tab the GM currently has selected.
- Adds a Dutch language translation.
The 0.7.10 update to FQL brings compatibility for both version 9 & 10 of Foundry VTT and includes several quality of life enhancements:
- Quest document linking is enabled again.
- Show quest log to players link in quest log app header (for GM).
- Show quest tracker to players with icon in quest tracker header (for GM).
- Ability to set quest tracker to transparent via fill icon in app header.
- Expanded language / translation support.
Current Status
The 0.7.x series of FQL is developed and maintained by TyphonJS (Michael) and is being updated for stability across core Foundry updates. This stability and long term maintenance of such is the main feature of FQL presently. You can rest assured that the quest log experience you know and love will continue to be available now and into the future.
A new continuation quest log module is in the works by TyphonJS that moves the questing experience beyond FQL and is being developed at typhonjs-fvtt/typhonjs-quest-log. There is no specific ETA for this continuation module at this time. In the meantime FQL continues to bring an essential rock solid quest log experience to Foundry VTT. TyphonJS is developing a very modern UI library, available for any 3rd party Foundry developer right now, that underpins this new quest log and full time+ work has been ongoing on this effort since October 2021. When this library is completed then work on the new quest log will be finished.
Please refer to Module's Wiki for full information on usage
Issue / Enhancement Tracker
If you find any issues with Forien's Quest Log please open an issue at the source code repository.
Contact / Current Developer / Maintainer
Michael Leahy aka TyphonJS is currently maintaining and adding new features to Forien's Quest Log. If you wish to contact me for any reason please reach out on Discord using my tag: MLeahy#4299
or join the TyphonJS Discord server.
Support (Historical)
The original author, Forien, is no longer actively maintaining FQL, but for historical correctness please visit: Foundry Workshop Patreon.