
Gubat Banwa

A Game System for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: DrentalBot Project Source: Project URL Versions 11+ (Verified 11.296) Last Updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Gubat Banwa is a Martial Arts Tactics and War Drama TTRPG system. A fiction first roleplaying game about martial artists poised to change the world, known as Kadungganan. The game is made for 1-6 players who explore the sword isles and prove or change their convictions in them through collaborative storytelling.

This system and content module currently includes:

If you have feedback on the content of Gubat Banwa, please join the official Discord for the System: The Longhouse


The Gubat Banwa Game System belongs to Joaquin Kyle Saavedra/Makapatag, is published on, and is using the CC by 4.0 license. The copyright belongs to Joaquin Kyle Saavedra/Makapatag. This system for FoundryVTT is not endorsed by or affiliated to Joaquin Kyle Saavedra/Makapatag.

Joaquin Kyle Saavedra/Makapatag reserves the right to declare that this work is not aligning with Gubat Banwa's views and principles, and to reject anything that might want to use Gubat Banwa for Bigoted means.

The software itself is licensed MIT.

Contributing to `Drental/gubat-banwa`

Code contributions are accepted. Please feel free to submit issues to the issue tracker or submit merge requests for code/content changes. Approval for such requests involves code and (if necessary) design review by the Maintainers of this repo. Please reach out on the Foundry Community Discord with any questions.

Please ensure there is an open issue about whatever contribution you are submitting. Please also ensure your contribution does not duplicate an existing one.


Check that your Issue isn't a duplicate (also check the closed issues, as sometimes work which has not been released closes an issue).

Available Versions

  1. Version 0.4.0

    1 year, 4 months ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11.296) Manifest URL Read Notes