
Legend Keeper Integration

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: Asacolips Project Source Versions 10 - 10 (Verified 10.290) Last Updated 2 years, 3 months ago

Legend Keeper Integration

This module is not affiliated with LegendKeeper, and is an unofficial integration to import LegendKeeper exports into FoundryVTT as journal entries.

LegendKeeper is a copyright of Algorific LLC.

A note about Hydra
The Hydra release of Legend Keeper changed the export format from a directory of JSON files to a single JSON file. The module has been updated to use the new format as of the 2.0.0 releasae of Legend Keeper Integration (Foundry v9 compatible), but not all information is currently included in Hydra exports (in-article images and secrets). Additionally, you'll need to reconfigure the module if you had previously installed it in your world in Foundry 0.7.x versions.

Screenshot of Legend Keeper sidebar




Before attempting to use this module, backup your world in Foundry to a safe location.

1. Export your LegendKeeper wiki

  1. Log in to your LegendKeeper wiki
  2. Click your profile picture in the bottom left corner.
  3. Go to Project > Settings
  4. Click the Export wiki button
  5. Change the Export Type to JSON
  6. The export should download as a single project.json file.

Screenshot of exporting a Legend Keeper wiki

2. Configure the Legend Keeper Integration module

In Foundry's right sidebar, Click the gear icon to change to the settings tab and then go to Configure Settings. In the settings window, go to the Module Settings tab. Find the Legend Keeper Integration settings group. You'll need to use the file widget for the Legend Keeper Import Directory setting to select your project.json file in your Foundry file system. If you haven't already uploaded the project.json file to your Foundry server, you can do that using the file browser widget provided by the module's setting.

Screenshot of Legend Keeper module settings

3. Import your LegendKeeper wiki

Reload your world and go to the Journal tab of Foundry's right sidebar. Use the Import from Legend Keeper button at the bottom of the right sidebar to import your LegendKeeper journal entries.

4. Do not update Legend Keeper entries in Foundry itself

Journal entries created by LegendKeeper have a special flag placed on them that will allow them to be replaced whenever you perform a new import of your exported wiki. LegendKeeper journal entries have a special LK icon to the left of their name or folder name so that you know which ones were created by LegendKeeper. You can make changes to these journal entries, but any changes made will be lost as soon as you do a new import.

A note on hierarchy

LegendKeeper supports any amount of folder depth you want, but Foundry tops out at 3 levels of nesting. As a result of this, folders deeper than 3 levels deep will be created as a level 3 directory and will be prefixed with hyphens to show their effective depth.


LegendKeeper also supports treating articles as folders, which Foundry does not do. To account for this, every folder created by LegendKeeper will also have a [ROOT ARTICLE]--------------- entry that houses its text.


Available Versions

  1. Version 2.0.2

    2 years, 3 months ago
    Foundry Version 10 - 10 (Verified 10.290) Manifest URL Read Notes
  2. Version 2.0.1

    Foundry Version 9 - 10 (Verified 9) Manifest URL Read Notes
  3. Version 2.0.0

    Foundry Version 9 - 10 (Verified 9) Manifest URL Read Notes
  4. Version 1.1.0

    Foundry Version 0.6.0 - 10 (Verified 0.7.9) Manifest URL Read Notes