[Supported Systems: DnD5e, WFRP4e, PF2e, PF1, SFRPG]
[Supported Languages: English]
This module adds HUD allowing to easily swap which ammunition is being used in ranged weapons.
- Assign character to your user account
- Equip ranged weapon(s)
- Click on HUD displayed on bottom of your screen to bring out selectable list of owned ammunition
- Click on any ammunition on the list to change weapon's ammunition
- [if "show only equipped" setting is disabled] Right-Click on weapon to toggle it's equipped state!
- Module supports following systems:
- DnD5e (tested version 2.2.2)
- PF1 (tested version 9.2)
- PF2e (tested version 5.2.3)
- SFRPG (tested version 0.24.2)
- WFRP4e (tested version 6.6.1)
- Module displays only weapons/ammunition that exist on the Actor, using data from that Actor.
- Module doesn't include any weapons and/or ammunition Items.
- Module should work fine with any custom weapons/ammo created for supported systems.
For additional support (for example other systems) please open an issue, or you can use the API to include system support within your system/module.
If you wish to support this module, please consider becoming Patreon or donating through Paypal.