This package contains the playtest classes released by Paizo for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. It contains:
- War of Immortals Playtest (Animist and Exemplar Classes) [September 2023] - Expected release GenCon 2024
The compendia will be removed once the actual books are released by Paizo. These are included as a module instead of in core as it is expected that due to the play test mechanics, classes, features and feats will likely be modified
These are not being maintained. The 4.0 update removes Kineticist and adds Animist and Exemplar Classes. 4.0.1 corrects an entry error on the Animist, which accidentally gave an extra level 1 boon. It also did some minor text updates. 4.0.2 Adds missing automation to weapon and body ikons, fixes darkened forest form action, fixes other text from animist spellcasting, and adds missing apparition to the active apparition choiceSet. 4.0.3 removes level 1 class feat from Exemplar. 4.0.4 Add some more exemplar automation. $.1.0 Adds teh Reveler in Lost Glee Apparition from the Paizo Blog